
Chiara's Story...

My Act of Love:

Names: Chiara and David
Together: 4.5 Years
How'd we Meet? Just a quiet girl walking into a living room and he spotted me across the room. There were many other beautiful women present that night, but for some amazing reasons...he chose me.

When I first met David, he wasn't a regular guy. Oh no sir, he wasn't. David ran his own window-cleaning business and he ran it very well. I was fortunate enough to have met him when he started his business. During those humble beginnings it wasn't easy. Being with an entrepreneur and with an inspiring, goal-driven heart and mind like David's, sometimes I couldn't keep up. There were times I was selfish in the relationship and I knew it wasn't right to feel like that. At times --- i became jealous of his strong motivation in life....."where in the world did he get this attitude?" I was so pissed off when he would ignore when he watched his daily CEO tv shows, going out to estimates, picking up important calls in the middle of our time. I was so use to dating the regular dude. But he wasn't regular, he was....unique. I knew David came into my life for a reason. He became the balance for me

An act of love that I have done? Well to be honest, it took a lot of them for me to do to realize, "Wow, so this is what REAL love feels like? Pure, unconditional love."
It all started on a sunny summer weekend during college know those weekends where you had not a care in the world and your Saturdays consisted of sleeping in, tv, shopping, eating....sleeping in again...and partying and sleeping to sleep in again.  It was around 4 years ago, during the blossoming first days of me and David's relationship. To be honest, I was still in that phase of the relationship where I asked that daily question in my head, " I love him?...well hmmm do I or not yet?" That question kept running through my mind quite often. 

To cut to the chase for my act of love, I remember David was on deadline to meet his business goals and he was feeling the pressure. It was one sunny, hot summer Saturday --- you know the Saturdays like I described earlier, remember? ---sleeping in, tv shopping, eating and sleeping in again to sleep etc, he asked me, "Hey babe, would you mind helping me pass flyers to homes with me?" He asked -- and he asked me expecting I wouldn't be up for it. I thought about it and I said, "I'd love too!" He happily smiled and said, "Thanks babe, this really means so much."

So there we were, we trekked out to Southlake ( a beautiful neighborhood with luxurious homes) around 5 am. We parked the car under a tree. David pulled out a gallon of water and he said, "Here you go...chug as much of this as you want, it's going to get real hot and sunny so we'll need to stay hydrated." So I chugged. I passed the gallon of water to him and he chugged too. After the chugging session was over, David pulled out about 1,000 flyers. He carefully split it down the middle giving me 500 and himself 500. "Ok babe, you'll have to go that direction and I am going to go that direction, we'll loop back around and meet here when we finish passing out flyers to these homes," David explained to me. It was about 95+ degrees outside, HOT.

So we got out and I went on my way posting window-cleaning flyers onto people's doors. It was 5 am and for some reason I was so happy to do this. I realized in a quick second that I was helping my boyfriend SUCCEED in his business and I wanted to be part of his success in every way. I wanted him to get results. I wanted him to be a successful business man. I could pass out flyers on people's door all day if thats what it took to make his weekend wonderful. If this was ONE act to show David I cared about his business and future, so be it. I learned on that Saturday morning...I wasn't going to be able sleep in.. watch TV, shop sleep and sleep to sleep in and I was perfectly fine with that. That day God taught me to love selflessly. I learned that Saturday morning, I was in love with David Azua.

It was around 9am and I was drenched from the scorching Texas clothes were sweaty. I wasn't even done with my stack of flyers but I had come to our meeting point and I could see David in the distance walking towards me. He was so happy to see me. We had both probably walked 2-3 miles each and when we spotted each other coming to our meeting point, David said " I love you, thank you for all you have done." and of course I said...."I love you too." 

4.5 years later ---- I still get butterflies still seeing him from a distance. I'll always look back at that Saturday when we come to our meeting point ---- love.